What have I done?
Well, I did it. That thing of putting something out into the universe, and watching for signs to see if it is the right thing to do. This time, it was the mayoral campaign in question. I have said, many times over the years, that if nobody else was challenging an incumbent, I would do it. Thankfully we have had many great challengers; the legendary John Hoggatt, the honorable Joyce Hall, but this election is different. It’s a different time. A polarized and cruel time in politics. A time where people take themselves WAY too seriously, and spend way too much money on the trimmings and trappings of campaigns, when there is SO much other need in the world.
So I said I’d run. If nobody else did…and then held my breath and hoped someone else would! But no other candidates emerged. And democracy is better served when there is more than one candidate.
I went about getting those signatures. 100 of them. Of course I procrastinate like none other, and this was all late in the game already, so I put that out to the universe…if I could get the signatures, I would do it. And I had to be gone for the week of Christmas. So there, universe. It is never going to happen and I’m off the hook…except that some AMAZING people stepped up for me, and I came back to Hudson to find 130+ signatures. And so, here I am.
Let me tell you how I hope this goes. It will be slightly unconventional, I am not taking campaign donations, and I am not taking myself too seriously. I hope to tread lightly on the earth while campaigning so you will not see your mailbox fill up with shit from me. Nor will you see many signs, (and especially not in obscure open spaces where nobody knows who actually owns the land…). And it will be fun. I will come out of this, win or lose, having had conversations, and having met people who will enrich my life. Hopefully I will do the same for them.